Living that "COVID" Life
Uhhh the dreaded word “COVID” or COVID-19. I am sure that is something that we all wish we didn’t have to be dealing with. I want to start off by saying that I am very lucky. My partner and I are both lucky that he we were able to continue working during this pandemic. A lot of people were not given that option. My partner works in an industry where he is deemed an essential service. I was lucky that the marketing company I work for was able to close up shop, allow the employees to take home their “hardware” and set up remotely at home. Some love it and some hate it, I am not sure if there is an in between option.
“Me, personally - I love this lifestyle. ”
It does take some self discipline, but I find that both myself and the team that I manage at work are thriving in this environment. What is so good about this? Why do I love it? How can I even deal?
These are all things that I have thought about. I think the first thing that I like is we were forced to slow “the F” down. Take a breather & relax. Drink that tea, read that book, watch that show, paint that picture, Mary the something - netflix - show - clean the heck out of your house. You do you! There isn’t that hustle and bustle or always something on the go, its just go to work, do your thing, sit back and enjoy it.
“Drink that tea, read that book, watch that show”
When I was first diagnosed with my illnesses, part of what put me over the edge was that for many, many years I was always go, go, go. I was good at it. My last year of university I worked 3 jobs and took 5 classes and still happened to get pretty decent grades. Outside of working, I still had a social life, managed a relationship in another city and participated in volunteer activities.
Not going to lie, the idea of doing all that again or the thought of getting ready for work at 11pm to go and bartend from 12:00 am - 3:00 am is not appealing anymore, just the thought of it gives me anxiety. Maybe it’s the anxiety or maybe I am just getting old - either way- not a chance in hell will you see me do that again.
After Uni, I was lucky because I was offered my dream job. I got to work in a trendy, boutique marketing firm. Dream come true! After 2 years, of working hard with my team I stressed myself out, and took my unknown anxiety to new levels. I went to the doctor and was prescribed antidepressants. I never took them. A family member had recently been prescribed the same ones and it made her so tired. I didn’t have time for that. I tried to push through it. Unfortunately a year after that doctors appointment, I ended up leaving. Looking back, my anxiety caused me to quit. My anxiety stems from things that are out of my control. The department that I was in and the position I held at the time had a lot of factors and things that were outside of my control. Before I had quit my job I had moved to another city and was living with my then boyfriend. I loved the city, was happy with the life that I had but something was missing. After I left that “Dream Job” I had approximately 2 months off before I started my next job. What was I going to do next?
Library Books & Starbs
My Fav Summer Activities
During that two month time period, I kept getting up at 8am and made time to go to the gym. I would go for jog down by the river (not a run - I am not in that good of shape). I would jog to the outdoor gym by the river, do a workout and jog back to my apartment. When I got back,I would watch the view and then I would job hunt until lunch. After lunch, I would hit my patio to catch some sun and read a book. I had a library card and I lived super close. It was awesome. I remember reading a biography about Barbra Walters. Due to being home, I found a new found appreciation for “The View” . During that 2 month period I also got back into Yoga. I have always loved yoga but I was terrible at making time for it. As stressful as that time could have been, I loved the me time. Summer was coming to an end, but it was still warm out. Looking back, I loved the walks by the river and loved reading on my 16th floor patio.
I was obsessed With Barbara
Everyone women in business should read this!
At the beginning of October, I started my next job and away I went into being crazy busy again. The job had a steep learning curve, I was learning new skills and now I was required to work out of town. Without going into details, I turned into a functioning alcoholic and work-a-holic, who now traveled about 60% of the year. I was terrible at making time for myself. I worked long hours, worked on the road, sometimes I worked alone and sometimes I worked with people. Periodically I would do work outs, but I usually I drank wine while I worked in the evening or would go for dinner with coworkers, have a couple cocktails and then would put a couple hours if work time in after coming back to the hotel room. It was a love hate relationship. I loved the freedom that the job gave me but it also had its downsides.
Long story short - I never made time for myself. I would rarely read, or take a relaxing bath, I barely worked out and I never did anything creative. My form of creativity was going out with my pals and drinking all the drinks so I didn’t have to think about the “work” things that would creep back into my brain.
Fast forward 5 years, I am with the same company, have had 3 job changes and moved back to Regina. Last summer I was diagnosed with extreme depression and generalized anxiety. I was off work for 2 months and when I came back to work I applied and was appointed into a new position within a new department. I had already started down a path of change and I was determined to continue my new practices and finally practice “work life balance”.
Through my illness, I have learned that we humans need to take a break. You cannot be go, go ,go all the time. Weather you think you are a super human or not, you’re going to burn out.
So what I have learned and how does this affect me during this COVID shit storm?
Make time to see your friends
My sister, her fiance, Chase and I battling it at Monopoly. “Social Distance Style”
Settle Down:
Its important to settle down, and take advantage of this new found time. For people who need to be surrounded by people, pour that glass of wine, make that tea and organize a “house party” call. Slow down, but build that connection.
My anxiety causes me to not want to go out. I get anxious about going out, coming home and not getting to bed on time, not getting a good night sleep. So having Facetime or house party calls has been great. With being far apart, I feel closer than ever to my gal pals and my family.
2. Work Out:
Turn the fireplace on for some extra heat!
It sounds strange, but I have worked out more at home than I did when I could go to classes or go to the gym . Again, I don’t know if I would blame my anxiety or the idea of being late for a class, or that my fave class was being held at the wrong time and then I would talk myself out going. Or sometimes I was just being lazy AF or tired and just want to go home.
Over the past few weeks, I realized that after work, I am exhausted, so I find I have to work out during the day. Because I struggle in the morning, my time to shine is lunch time. I book my workout in my calendar and I make time for it. I have been alternating between the Kayla Sweat app, anytime yoga, walks with my two dogs and the free barre classes. Am sure that I am going to end up with the COVID15. Why? Because I am still eating all the fresh breads, cinnamon buns, cookies you name it but at least I am working off some calories.
I can preach about mindfulness all day long. I think that it is so important . I like to start my day with the five minute journal and take 10 minutes to meditate. I feel so good after. I feel calm, I feel relaxed. I find that if I don’t take 10 minutes out of my morning to get centered that I feel stressed. Now that the weather is getting warmer, I love taking my coffee outside and spending my 10 minutes on the patio in the sunshine. The mornings are usually calm, you can hear the birds it is now one of my favourite ways to start my day. Since I started practicing mindfulness, I am way more in-tune with my body. Before I always felt uncomfortable, anxious or stressed. Since starting this practice I feel good, but now I can feel emotions in my body. I can feel anger, anxiousness, if I feel stressed but most of all I can feel what it is like to be happy. If something happens and I need to miss a morning mediation, I love doing them before I go to bed. It is a nice way to unwind, or I will put on a sleep meditation and go to bed. It is very rare that I will ever make it to the end.
4. Be Creative:
Mixed media for Mom <3
Happy Mothers Day!
I think it is important to take this new found freedom and apply it to something that you may have not given your self time for. I have found a new love for painting. I use to paint as a kid. I had tried watercolour in elementary school. I use to paint animals on rocks with my grandma and in grade 12 I took an art class. Except I almost failed it from not finishing a project on time. WHOOPS. Now, I am loving mixed media. I have gone back to my roots and am using water colour but I find that I loooove texture. So now I have been adding acrylic paints and using alcohol ink. My boyfriend laughs at my master pieces but I have fun doing it and it relaxes me.
I think being creative is important. Paint, colour, make something, journal, write do something with your hands, I promise you will feel better.
5. Read:
One of my favourite things about family vacations at my parents cabin is reading. I am very lucky that my parents share a cabin with their friends. The cabin is on a huge lake on an island. Its one of my fave places to go in the summer. I take a good book, my paddle board and just go and hang out. I have been doing my best to try and sit back and read. Sometimes it’s a new book, sometimes its just blog posts about interesting items. Reading is great, it is a way to escape. I actually spent the entire day today curled up on the couch with my dogs reading a book. It was my fave way to spend the last day on a long weekend. Make a cup of tea, grab a latte and dive into a good book!
All I am trying to say is - I know that being stuck at home isn’t the best for everyone but trust me when I say that we can remain positive and make the best of it. There are all sorts of things that we can do. I recently just joined a wine ninja club and it was awesome. My mom and I made these gift baskets and we gifted them to complete strangers. We had so much fun shopping for the items and then going to sneakily deliver them. If it wasn’t for this pandemic, we probably would not have done that.
Spend some time with the people (your close 10) that you love - unwind and enjoy your time off.
Peace & Love