Hands on healing

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Hands-on Healing

Hands-on healing takes place in a treatment room at a wellness centre or reiki studio. Sessions can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes. My treatment room has been saged, I will light candles, incense and I will have calming music playing.

I like to start my treaments with a small guided meditation. The client will be laying down, under blankets and will encourage them to start to relax. From there, I will start by performing a byosen scan, to scan the auric fields. I then will use my pendulum to check the energy lines within the chakras and move into my treatment.

Some clients like to receive feedback at the end, others prefer to wake up and go. Often times I will use oracle cards, tarot cards and even analyze dreams at the end of a session.

30 Minute Reiki Session $40.00

From start to finish the treatment is 30 minutes. There is an opportunity to discuss findings if interested.

60 Minute Reiki Session: $70.00

Treatment is one hour and includes the opportunity to discuss findings at the end. If interested, we can spend a few minutes and pull one oracle card or tarot card and discuss the meaning.

90 Minute Reiki Session: $105.00

Treatment is 90 minutes and includes the opportunity to disucss findings at the end. If interested, we can spend a few minutes and pull an oracle card or tarot card and discuss the meaning.

Distance Reiki

Distance reiki sessions take place through the quantim field. I will book a 15 minute appointment with new clients to meet, get to know them and get a sense for their energy. These appointments are done via zoom which means I can connect with people from anywhere.

After our meeting, when a distance session is booked I will then conduct the reiki session. These sessions are 30 minutes in length maximum. I always tell my clients that they can choose to lay down during this time to relax or meditate but it is not neccessary.

I have been told that my clients feel a sense of calm sometimes during or after a session. Distance healing travels through time and space, meaning that the energy or sense of calm can be sent into the future. It sounds crazy, but for those that have experienced it, they know that the practice is real.

Distance healing can be bought for yourself, but also bought for others. The only thing I require before conducting distance healing is the permission to do so.

Distance Healing Session - 1st Time Client:

Price: $60.00


  • 15-20 minute zoom call with Jenna. This is a perfect opportunity to meet one another, ask questions and discuss if you have had a reiki session before. I also ask that you send a photo. The purpose of the photo is to be able to use it during the distance healing visualizations.

  • Treatment is 30 minutes and is conducted via distance healing. I set up my chakra stones and set the photo beside to have a sense of the energy of the person that I am working with. Book Here:

Distance Healing Session:

Price: $40.00

Treatment is 30 minutes and is conducted via distance healing. I set up my chakra stones and set the photo beside to have a sense of the energy of the person that I am working with. Book Here:

True Story:

When I was in training, I had done a distance healing session for a good friend. She knew what day the session would be happening, but she was not told the time the session would be taking place. We connected the following day to talk about her experience. She told me, around a specific part of the day she had felt a sense of calm, relaxation and just the vibe or energy or changed in the room she was cleanining. It just so happened that was the time I was conducting the distance healing session. One thing she didn’t know was that I was sending vibes to help her sleep. She doesn’t sleep well and I wanted to send her love and light to help her sleep. Our Reiki master told us if were going to send something into the future that we need to time stamp it. (I thought this was bs and didn’t).

Around 6 pm that evening, she was cooking supper for her family with her husband and she got extremely tired. When she sat down for dinner, she could barely keep her eyes open and her husband was making fun of her. This occurance never happens. When she told me that story the next day, I burst out laughing. I then told her what I had done, how I had not time stamped the energy before I sent it off. Clearly I learned my lesson.