About me
Oh Boy, here we go…
Hey, my name is Jenna but most people call me Jen or by my last name. I am from Regina, SK and I currently live out on an acreage in Pilot Butte. I work in advertising by day and as a Reiki Healer and yoga teacher by night. I am a lover of travelling, food, yoga, reading, shopping and being a dog mom!
Momma and Mikey <3
You will pick up on this quickly I am sure, but I have terrible spelling and grammer. I hope that this blog will keep me accountable in brushing up these skills. My appologies in advance. (It could be ugly in the begining)
So - Why blog? Or start a reiki business?
A few of you will know this already, but I have been wanting to do this for years. Unfortinately, my anxiety got in the way. I thought “ah, there are million bloggers out there, who would want to read mine”. To be quite honest, now I don’t care. This is more of a creative outlet for me and will be my space to create and share the things that I love!
During the summer of 2020, I had this feeling that I needed to be trained to do reiki. I had always had an interest in and practiced a lot of principles. I just knew it was time to follow my heart and make it happen.
A couple of things to know about me are I’m in my 30s, I have a boyfriend that I adore and we have two hilarious little doges named Mike and Molly. I love to travel (uh I said that one already), Chase and I really enjoy cooking (uh snap, said that too) and were lovers of coffee. I would hate to say that we’re coffee snobs, but after building our house and getting an espresso maker… I may have to admit that I have an opinion when it comes to coffee now.
Yoga and being active have been a big part of my life for many years. Up until the summer of 2019, I never participated in any other “mindfulness” practices. Now, I meditate every day (which I love) and have started journaling. My day usually starts off at 6:01 am. I get up, make an americano and head to the patio to meditate outside or on the couch (when it’s winter) with Mike and Molly. I love this time in the morning. I record my dreams, write down what I am grateful for, draw a couple of oracle cards, sip my coffee and spend time with my dogs. This is my “me” time and I love starting the day this way.
As mentioned above, I love to read! As a kid, I loved reading about Witch Hunts my tastes have moved into self-help books, biographies, girly books but I would say my biggest obsession is with serial killers. I love the science behind it, I love trying to profile the individuals and as you would guess I enjoy Netflix’s Mindhunter and other shows about murder. I promise I won’t go into my addiction to NBC’s Dateline or Forensic Files - haha.
On the lighter side, I think it’s important to have future goals and here are mine.
Become a certified yoga instructor in Bali (Edit - As of June 2022 I have become a certified YTT200 here in Regina!)
Updated Goal: Attend a yoga workshop in Bali.
Travel to Thailand
Learn to surf in Hawaii
As we go, I am sure you will gain some more insight into “me”. For now, I am sure this is enough to start.
Thanks for following along- I look forward to getting to know you too!
Peace - Love - Happiness
Jenn xox