Where are you from?

I was born and raised in Regina, Saskatchewan Canada.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I have always loved California. My dream would be to live there. The idea of living by the beach and being able to surf or snowboard in the same day is life goals!

Do you have any Hobbies?

I love to paddle board! I also love being on the water, its been a wild since I wake surfed but its an old passion! Gardening is a new hobby, I enjoy reading, painting and doing yoga!


How old is mike?

Our little Mikey is just over a year. He joined our family last September and I can not imagine life with out him.

Where do you work?

I currently work for an advertising agency in Regina, Saskatchewan.

What is your Favourite Food?

Gosh, good question. I looove Mcdonalds egg McMuffins and double cheese burgers. I also love strawberries and pineapple. I think my fav will change weekly.