The Cinnamon Abundance Ritual

Who doesn’t want to bring abundance into their life? Raise your hand if that’s how you feel, that certainly is not me! I think there is always room for a little more abundance and prosperity in our lives!

That is exactly what this little ritual will bring to you.

Cinnamon isn’t just for cooking. Oh no, it has been used since ancient Egypt for many rituals including protection, love, abundance and embalming. Please note: There will be no embalming here.

I love this ritual because its a wonderful way to start a new month!


Here is how to do the ritual:

  1. The ritual is done on the 1st of the month. Place some cinnamon in your right hand and go to the front door of your home.

  2. Before blowing your powder repeat this affirmation in your head or out loud. Whatever you prefer. Please know, that you can take these affirmations and make them your own. That’s the beautiful thing about rituals, you can personalize them.

    “When the cinnamon blows it will bring prosperity”

    "When the cinnamon blows it will bring abundance”

  3. Gently blow the cinnamon from the outside to the inside of your home. While you blow, visualize that you are blowing abundance, prosperity and love into your home.

  4. Leave the cinnamon on the floor for the next 24 hours. (I know- I know - just trust me on this)

Throughout the day, continue manifesting positive thoughts and thinking about how you feel and what you will do with your newfound prosperity.

For some extra fun - sprinkle some salt on your doorstep on the first Friday of each month. It is said to bring you extra protection and good luck.

Other ways you can integrate cinnamon into your personal rituals:

  • Take an Epson salt bath and add cinnamon

  • Drink cinnamon tea

  • Drink hot water and steep it with ginger, cinnamon and lemon

  • Burn cinnamon incense

  • Add a stick of cinnamon to your purse/bag or pocket


I want to hear from you! How do you use cinnamon in your daily rituals?